Effective Home Birth Preparation: Self Hypnosis CD Programme for Home Birth CD + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Effective Home Birth Preparation: Self Hypnosis CD Programme for Home Birth CD

The benefits of listening to the "Home Birth Preparation CD" include: reducing any fears about giving birth; increasing your ability to manage and reduce pain naturally; developing a deep trust of your bodies ability to give birth naturally; feeling calm, relaxed and prepared for the birth; increasing your sense of being in control; increasing your chance of having a drug fee labour; reducing the chances of having post natal depression; and, giving birth at home, which can be the most rewarding and fulfilling experience. By listening to the CD during pregnancy, you are effectively rehearsing the way you will act both physically as well as emotionally during the birthing process. Remember, pain in labour is predominantly the result of tension in your body, and tension is the result of fear.read more...
from£N/A | RRP: £11.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £N/A
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