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Elementary Principles Behavior Book
B> A solid introduction to the principles of behavior using a clear, interesting, entertaining style with many case studies and everyday examples. This book maintains a high level of intellectual rigor addressing fundamental concepts at the beginning of each chapter with more advanced topics left for one of the two enrichment sections within each chapter. Bite sized research methods are covered throughout the chapters in the intermediate enrichment sections with a complete research methods chapter, Chapter 29, to refer to at any time. The Reinforcer, Reinforcement, Escape, Punishment, Penalty, Extinction and Recovery, Differential Reinforcement and Punishment, Shaping, Unlearned Reinforcers and Aversive Conditions, Special Establishing Operations, Learned Reinforcers and Aversive Conditions, Discrimination, Stimulus Generalization, Concept Training, and Stimulus Fading, Imitation, Avoidance, Punishment by Prevention Ratio Schedules, Time-Dependent Schedules, Concurrent Contingencies, Stimulus-Response Chains and Rate Contingencies, Respondent Conditioning, Analogs to Reinforcement, A Theory of Rule-Governed Behavior, Pay for Performance, Moral and Legal Control, Maintenance Transfer, Research Methods. For behavior analysts, psychologists and social workers, supervisors and managers.Read More
from£N/A | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £N/A
- 0132602415
- 9780132602419
- Richard W. Malott, Donald L. Whaley, Marad E. Malott
- 18 September 1992
- Prentice-Hall
- Paperback (Book)
- 650
- 2nd edition
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