Empowerment Practice with Families in Distress (Empowering the Powerless: A Social Work Series) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Empowerment Practice with Families in Distress (Empowering the Powerless: A Social Work Series) Book

Empowerment Practice with Families in Distress : Hardback : Columbia University Press : 9780231124621 : 0231124627 : 04 Mar 2005 : Integrates time-honored approaches with more modest goals, mindful of what empowerment can and cannot do. This book presents illustrations to bring concepts to life and, more important, to present families describing their own experiences with achieving empowerment.Read More

from£93.71 | RRP: £76.00
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £106.28
  • Product Description

    This book integrates time-honored approaches to empowerment practice with today's more modest goals, mindful of what empowerment can and cannot do. Synthesizing several theoretical supports -- the strengths perspective, system theory, theories of family well-being, and theories of coping -- the author responds to the question "What works?" with today's families in need. Practice illustrations are provided throughout.

  • 0231124627
  • 9780231124621
  • JB Wise
  • 4 March 2005
  • Columbia University Press
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 336
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