Emulation: David, Drouais, and Girodet in the Art of Revolutionary France Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Emulation: David, Drouais, and Girodet in the Art of Revolutionary France Book

Tells the story of five painters at the centre of events in Revolutionary France: Jacques-Louis David and his first cohort of precocious pupils, including the meteoric Jean-Germain Drouais and the gifted but deeply troubled Anne-Louis Girodet. This book interprets in a way the relationships between these men and the paintings they created.Read More

from£30.37 | RRP: £22.50
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £27.52
  • Blackwell

    This fascinating and elegant book tells the story of five painters at the center of events in Revolutionary France: Jacques Louis-David and his extraordinarily precocious pupils Drouais, Girodet, Gerard, and Gros. Written by a major art historian...

  • 0300117396
  • 9780300117394
  • T Crow
  • 16 May 2006
  • Yale University Press
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 372
  • New edition
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