Engineering Science: For Foundation Degree and Higher National Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Engineering Science: For Foundation Degree and Higher National Book

Engineering Science: for Foundation Degree and Higher National covers the engineering principles and applications that students need to know at this level focusing primarily upon the core science and maths topics. This book will appeal to those studying courses in general engineering mechanical engineering electrical/electronic engineering aerospace engineering and mechatronics all of which make up the core science strands in the vast majority of Foundation degree and Higher National Engineering programmes. This title is for Engineering students at foundation degree and Higher National level who need to understand the complicated scientific principles involved in engineering. This book will deliver an accessible textbook that lecturers can use to support their teaching but one that students can also pick up and browse through at their leisure. Knowledge-check questions summary sections and activities are included throughout the book and applied mathematics is integrated alongside the appropriate areas of engineering studies. The result is a clear straightforward and easily accessible textbook that encourages independent study.An estimated 5000+ students will be studying for Foundation degree's in 2011. On top of the 3000+ registered for Higher National degree's. A wide range of subjects are covered in this book: engineering mathematics electrical and electronic principles control engineering engineering materials mechanics and thermodynamics. This is a textbook that is written in a clear straightforward format which encourages independant study.Read More

from£41.99 | RRP: £28.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £12.67
  • ASDA

    Covers the engineering principles and applications that students need to know at this level focusing primarily upon the core science and maths topics. This title is suitable for Engineering students at foundation degree and Higher National level who need to understand the complicated scientific principles involved in engineering.

  • 1856177750
  • 9781856177757
  • Mike Tooley, Lloyd Dingle
  • 3 July 2012
  • Routledge
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 552
  • 1
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