Essentials of Managerial Finance Book
Now in its 11th edition, this best-seller is renowned for its excellent blend of theoretical and applied material, comprehensive support package and applicable real-world examples. In addition to its continued coverage of such hot topics as multinational finance and small business issues, the new edition has also incorporated ethical dilemma discussions throughout the text. Features: * Having introduced well over 2 million business students to the field of finance, this prestigious author team offers a well-written, understandable, complete presentation of the basis financial management tools (Chapter 1-7). * Chapter 6 offers an excellent presentations of present value, featuring the authors' unique three-way coverage of solutions techniques: equations, tabular, and financial calculator.… read more... * Comprehensive Coverage of capital budgeting techniques is featured in Chapter 13. * Each chapter opens with a "Managerial Perspective", introducing a real-wold context. * Examples of key concepts are also applied through "Industry Practice" and "Small Business" boxes. * The 11th edition includes the authors proven pedagogy, including worked-out examples, extensive end-of-chapter probelm sets, a running marginal glossary, concept check stations, bulleted summaries and useful financial tables included in each chapter. New to this edition: * Keeping in step with the text's emphasis on real-world issues, the 11th edition integrates "Ethical Dilemma" boxes throughout. These realistic situations are set up for the student to think about the actions he or she would take in complicated situations. Discussions are included in the instructor's manual. * The two chapters on financial forecasting and control have been merged into a single Chater 4. Covered earlier in the text, the new, more concise chapter includes both operating and financial leverage. * Chapter 13 on capital budgeting focuses on the basics, moving the more technical topics - such as modified internal rate of return - to the appendices. * The extensive ancillary package has been reworked and now includes new items such as PowerPoint Lecture Presentation Software and a technology supplement. * All chatper boxes have been completely updated or replace. Examples, tax law chagnes, and other issues of currency have been addressed. * With 21 chapters, the 11th edition is two chapters shorter than the 23-chapter 10th edition, reflecting the merging of the chapters on financial forecasting and control and the elimination of Chapter 22 on Mergers, Divestitures, Holding Companies and LBOs, the contents of which have been integrated throughout the text.Read More read less...
from£N/A | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £13.06
- 0030081467
- 9780030081460
- J.Fred Weston, Eugene F. Brigham
- 1 March 1974
- Holt,Rinehart & Winston of Canada Ltd
- Hardcover (Book)
- 685
- 3rd Revised edition
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