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Essentials of Strategic Management, The Quest for Competitive Advantage Book
Essentials of Strategic Management responds head-on to the growing requests by business faculty for a concise, theory-driven strategic management concepts and cases text. This first edition text was written with four objectives in mind: 1) Although relatively brief in length, the text would provide students with an up-to-date and thorough understanding of essential strategic management concepts and analytic tools; 2) The text would simplify the task of demonstrating student learning through course embedded assessment; 3) Like our works preceding this text, it would include especially well-written cases involving headline strategic issues; and lastly, 4) The text could serve as the theoretical foundation of a teaching approach incorporating a business strategy simulation.Read More
from£27.66 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £29.35
- 0071285040
- 9780071285049
- John E Gamble, Jr., Arthur A Thompson
- 1 August 2008
- McGraw-Hill Higher Education
- Paperback (Book)
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