European Community (Law Basics) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

European Community (Law Basics) Book

EC LawBasics 3rd Edition provides students with an easy to use study and revision guide which covers the most important elements of EC law. With LawBasics, there is no longer the need to rely on a combination of scribbles and photocopies to make sense of the previous term's work. EC LawBasics deals with the law within the Member States, rather than the law of the Member State. It is an ideal study guide for any course covering the areas of law and policy dealt with by the European Community. Essential coverage is provided on: * The general principles * Key cases * Important statutes The edition takes account of: * The proposed European Constitution and enlargement of the EU to include Romania and Bulgaria * The new consolidated Free Movement regime of Directive 2004/38 * The read more...
from£16.87 | RRP: £12.50
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £12.39
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