Excel 2007 Workbook For Dummies Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Excel 2007 Workbook For Dummies Book

Shows readers how to: set up, format, and edit basic spreadsheets; manage and secure Excel data; create formulas and functions for finance, date and time, math, text, and more; master data analysis with pivot tables; and, save and share spreadsheet data.Read More

from£21.58 | RRP: £15.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £5.04
  • Blackwell

    The only Excel workbook available– a one-of-a-kind resource to help students and self-learners reinforce Excel skills or plan complex Excel projects Updated to cover the new interface and features of Excel 2007, including the enhanced graphic...

  • 0470169370
  • 9780470169377
  • Greg Harvey
  • 28 August 2007
  • John Wiley & Sons
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 408
  • Pap/Cdr
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