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Excel Modeling in the Fundamentals of Investments Book
The Second Edition takes an active approach in showing readers how to build financial models in Excel. Designed to help readers hone their modeling skills, this book and CD provide a hands-on, practical mode of learning that includes step-by-step instructions and real world applications. Rarely covered content items are explored, such as realistic life-cycle financial planning, U.S. yield curve dynamics, portfolio optimization with many assets, and solving for implied volatilities from real data. For professionals with a career in corporate finance, investments, and/or banking.Read More
from£N/A | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £N/A
- 0131424130
- 9780131424135
- Craig W. Holden
- 16 August 2004
- Prentice Hall
- Paperback (Book)
- 208
- 2
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