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Experiencing Recruitment and Selection Book
Recruitment and selection can be a stressful and traumatic process for both people and organizations. But how does it feel to actually be involved? Giving a voice to both applicants and recruiters in a unique package, Experiencing Recruitment and Selection uses real-life stories to explore issues such as why people apply for jobs, perceptions of fairness, how failure affects internal applicants, the impact of market forces on decisions, how recruiters select for â??fitâ?? and much more. In each chapter Jon Billsberry tackles a particular topic, drawing on at least three related stories and concluding with provocative questions and a guide to further reading. The stories are interwoven throughout with analyses that highlight key lessons.Read More
from£42.59 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £4.43
- 0470057300
- 9780470057308
- Jon Billsberry
- 12 October 2007
- Wiley-Blackwell
- Paperback (Book)
- 218
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