Exponential Organizations: Why new organizations are ten times better, faster, and cheaper than yours (and what to do about it) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Exponential Organizations: Why new organizations are ten times better, faster, and cheaper than yours (and what to do about it) Book

Frost & Sullivan’s 2014 Growth, Innovation, and Leadership Book of the Year In business, performance is key. In performance, how you organize can be the key to growth. In the past five years, the business world has seen the birth of a new breed of company—the Exponential Organization—that has revolutionized how a company can accelerate its growth by using technology. An ExO can eliminate the incremental, linear way traditional companies get bigger, leveraging assets like community, big data, algorithms, and new technology into achieving performance benchmarks ten times better than its peers. Three luminaries of the business world—Salim Ismail, Yuri van Geest, and Mike Malone—have researched this phenomenon and documented ten characteristics of Exponential Organizations. Here, in EXPONENTIAL ORGANIZATIONS, they walk the reader through how any company, from a startup to a multi-national, can become an ExO, streamline its performance, and grow to the next level. Chosen by Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, to be one of Bloomberg's Best Books of 2015Read More

from£11.56 | RRP: £16.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £2.73
  • BookDepository

    Exponential Organizations : Paperback : Diversion Books : 9781626814233 : 1626814236 : 30 Oct 2014 : Exponential Organizations-already being hailed as the "must-read"" book of the year by tech industry insiders-delivers groundbreaking analysis and insight, as well as ""how-to"" advice for companies of any size. It is poised to become this year's Lean Startup, a big business book about innovation."

  • 1626814236
  • 9781626814233
  • Salim Ismail
  • 30 October 2014
  • Diversion Publishing
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 326
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