Fabrications: Over 1000 Ways to Decorate Your Home With Fabric Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Fabrications: Over 1000 Ways to Decorate Your Home With Fabric Book

Sew until your heart is content. This is the first book I pick up if I am about to give a room a quick face lift. When I cannot bear to look at that old sofa for one more minute, I can find a way to make a cover for it in just hours. I have used it to cover dining room chairs for unexpected dinner parties and whipped up a bed duvet for the guestroom in just one day. I will not let anyone borrow this book from my library. Sorry.Read More
from£22.64 | RRP: £18.20
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £5.16
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