Famous Trains Col Bk (Dover Coloring Book) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Famous Trains Col Bk (Dover Coloring Book) Book

Famous Trains : Paperback : Dover Publications Inc. : 9780486440095 : 0486440095 : 24 Jun 2005 : Thirty drawings depict such famous trains as Europe's Orient Express, the observation lounge on the Burlington Zephyr, and a sleeping compartment on New York Central's 20th Century Limited.Read More

from£N/A | RRP: £3.99
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  • Product Description

    Train buffs and colorists will love adding their own hues to this fine fleet of luxury railway cars. Thirty drawings depict such famous trains as Europe's Orient Express, a Santa Fe Super Chief locomotive, the observation lounge on the Burlington Zephyr, and a sleeping compartment on New York Central's 20th Century Limited.

  • 0486440095
  • 9780486440095
  • Dover Publications
  • 30 September 2008
  • Dover Publications
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 32
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