Fast Asleep: How to get a really good night's rest Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Fast Asleep: How to get a really good night's rest Book

Fast Asleep : Paperback : Short Books Ltd : 9781780724201 : : 05 Mar 2020 : Science shows that sleep is more important to our long-term health than diet, exercise and wealth. Yet in today's society we increasingly struggle to get enough of it. In Fast Asleep, Dr Michael Mosley explains exactly what happens to us when we sleep, and how getting a regular 7-8 hours sleep a night can reduce our risk of depression, keep us slim and help us fight chronic disease. Prone to insomnia himself, he has taken part in numerous sleep experiments and tested every remedy going to discover what works and what doesn't. The result is a brilliant, four-week programme designed to break the habit of insomnia and help you re-establish a healthy sleep pattern. With advice on everything from how to improve your sleep hygiene to the importance of gut health, this book provides you with the tools you need not just to sleep better but to reduce stress levels and feel happier and healthier every day.Read More

from£6.21 | RRP: £
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  • Foyles

    A good night's sleep is essential for a healthy brain and body. So why do so many of us struggle to sleep well? In Fast Asleep, Dr Michael Mosley explains what happens when we sleep, what triggers common sleep problems and why standard advice rarely works. Prone to insomnia, he has taken part in numerous sleep experiments and tested every remedy going. The result is a radical, four-week programme, based on the latest science, designed to help you re-establish a healthy sleep pattern in record time. With plenty of surprising recommendations - including tips for teenagers, people working night shifts and those prone to jet lag - plus recipes which will boost your deep sleep by improving your gut microbiome, Fast Asleep provides the tools you need to sleep better, reduce stress and feel happier.

  • 1780724209
  • 9781780724201
  • Dr Michael Mosley
  • 5 March 2020
  • Short Books Ltd
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 296
  • 1
  • Book
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