Fast Thinking Appraisal: Work at the Speed of Life Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Fast Thinking Appraisal: Work at the Speed of Life Book

An express guide to that appraisal you have to give Appraisal time has come around again and you want to ensure the exercise is useful for both your staff and you. However, you still need a copy of their job description and haven't finalised what exactly you want to say. Conducting an appraisal is not about mulling over how your appraisee has done over the last year or an opportunity to criticise them. It's a chance to exchange constructive comments and discuss development opportunities. All this is a lot to ask when time is limited but doing something well doesn't necessarily mean doing it slowly. This book is an express guide to take you through the appraisal process to achieve great results for you and your appraisee.Read More

from£8.08 | RRP: £5.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.46
  • 0273653164
  • 9780273653165
  • Richard Templar
  • 1 November 2000
  • Prentice Hall
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 96
  • 1
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