Fast Thinking Budget: Work at the Speed of Life Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Fast Thinking Budget: Work at the Speed of Life Book

Prepare and compile a good budget - fast Never done a budget before? Your manager is off sick and it's been left to you. You've just been promoted and no one told you this was part of your new job and it's needed right now. So what are you going to do, panic? No, you're going to work through this book in logical stages and let it guide you through your budget. It will explain what is required of you: what a budget is and how it is put together; how to get the information you require; what you're supposed to do with the thing once it's done; how to check it against reality and how to put it right if it all falls apart. Not only will it help you do this in time for your deadline but also with flying colours. The minimalist guide to budgets for those of us who haven't got time to catch a breath let alone read waffle.*Gather good information *Use it well *Balance the bottom lineRead More

from£5.99 | RRP: £5.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £N/A
  • 0273653172
  • 9780273653172
  • Richard Templar
  • 31 October 2000
  • Prentice Hall
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 96
  • 1
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