Fatal Attraction: Aphrodite's Tale (Goddesses (Signet)) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Fatal Attraction: Aphrodite's Tale (Goddesses (Signet)) Book

Aphrodite has always been trouble. She's way too beautiful and can't resist romance-whatever the consequences. Plus, she's convinced the gorgeous Helen to elope with Paris-which has started the Trojan War. Most people think Aphrodite should marry someone who can control her-the artistic Hephaestus would make a steady husband. But it's hot-headed, quarrelsome Ares that Aphrodite loves-and he's rushed off to the Trojan War, leaving Aphrodite with a series of troublesome lovers. What man or mortal could contend with a goddess who loves so many and causes so much trouble-and is she beautiful enough to die for?Read More

from£8.01 | RRP: £4.64
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £5.59
  • 0451216857
  • 9780451216854
  • Alicia Fields
  • 4 October 2005
  • Signet Book
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 288
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