Final Epidemic:: A Novel of Medical Suspense Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Final Epidemic:: A Novel of Medical Suspense Book

Causes: Unknown At first, they thought it was a cold or maybe the flu. Then people started dropping where they stood. Symptoms: Unthinkable It could kill in hours. There was no known cure, no vaccine, and the only antidote could kill millions. Diagnosis: Unstoppable. New York, Chicago and Florida are quarantined. International travel is halted. A Japanese doomsday cult commits mass suicide, its final mission accomplished. Physician Carol Mayer was the first person to alert the Center for Disease Control, but now, as the epidemic grows, she has one last hope for finding a vaccine. His name is Beck Casey, a former CIA expert on biological warfare. And the best potential sources for stopping this plague are the worst enemies from his past. Final Epidemic has more...
from£N/A | RRP: £4.84
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