Financial Modeling Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Financial Modeling Book

Too often, finance courses stop short of making a connection between textbook finance and the problems of real-world business. This work bridges this gap between theory and practice by providing a guide to solving common financial models with spreadsheets. It takes you through each model, showing how it can be solved using Microsoft Excel.Read More

from£30.95 | RRP: £45.95
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £6.85
  • ASDA

    Too often finance courses stop short of making a connection between textbook finance and the problems of real-world business. This work bridges this gap between theory and practice by providing a guide to solving common financial models with spreadsheets. It takes you through each model showing how it can be solved using Microsoft Excel.

  • Waterstones

    The third edition of this standard text retains the popular ''cookbook'' features of earlier editions and includes expanded and new coverage of such topics as bank valuation, the Black-Litterman portfolio selection model, Monte Carlo pricing methods, a

  • 0262026287
  • 9780262026284
  • S Benninga
  • 13 February 2008
  • MIT Press
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 1168
  • 3Rev Ed
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