Financial Valuation of Employee Stock Ownership Plan Shares Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Financial Valuation of Employee Stock Ownership Plan Shares Book

A must-read for accountants and professionals with a business valuation accreditation or certification, pension actuaries, ERISA lawyers, Financial Valuation of Employee Stock Ownership Plan Shares identifies, explains, and explores the ins and outs of ESOPs, with a focus on what benefits a company/shareholder/plan participant would receive by transacting shares of stock with an ESOP, the formula for an Employee Stock Ownership Plan, stock incentives and their attractiveness to employees, the nature and function of ERISA, Department of Labor, and IRS. It includes training material, the full text of Department of LaborĂ¢??proposed regulations, details of important court cases, various examples and illustrations to be used as reference and research tools for the experienced and trained valuation professional, and more.Read More

from£71.68 | RRP: £95.00
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £127.91
  • 0471678473
  • 9780471678472
  • Larry R. Cook
  • 15 July 2005
  • John Wiley & Sons
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 272
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