Flash 3D: Animation, Interactivity, and Games Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Flash 3D: Animation, Interactivity, and Games Book

Offers an untapped creative approach to thinking and designing with Flash. This work presents techniques for creating reusable templates that reduce costs and cycle time for project development. It includes a companion CD-ROM that includes an artists' gallery of example projects. It also provides practical and experimental projects.Read More

from£29.15 | RRP: £26.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £15.32
  • Blackwell

    The Flash player is the world's most-used software platform and 3D space is the latest direction in publishing rich media Flash content. It enables Flash designers and developers to enhance content delivery and interactivity of Web sites, games...

  • Pickabook

    Jim Ver Hague, Chris Jackson

  • 0240808789
  • 9780240808789
  • Jim Ver Hague, Chris Jackson
  • 27 October 2006
  • Focal Press
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 416
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