Also featuring: Keith Peters, David Hirmes, Lifaros, Paul Prudence, Pavel Kaluzhny, Ken Jokol Forget school math class, Flash math is about fun. it's what you do in your spare time - messing around with little ideas until the design takes over and you end up with something beautiful, bizarre, or just downright brilliant. It's a book of iterative experiments, generative design; a book of inspiration, beautiful enough to leave on the coffee table, but addictive enough to keep by your computer and sneak out while no-one's looking so you can go back to that Flash movie that you were tinkering with 'til 3 o'clock this morning. In New Masters of Flash the designers told us about themselves and deconstructed their finest effects. Well this time we've gathered the best in one book
… read more...and simply asked them to go away and do what they do best: play. We give you the code and explain the essence, then you take your inspiration and run with it.Read More read less...