Flipnosis: The Art of Split-Second Persuasion Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Flipnosis: The Art of Split-Second Persuasion Book

'What if I were to tell you that a psychopathic arsonist might also be the person most likely to save you from a burning building?' From the malign but fascinating powers of psychopaths, serial killers and con men to the political genius of Winston Churchill, this book explores what science can teach us about the techniques of persuasion.Read More

from£11.99 | RRP: £11.99
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  • ASDA

    From the malign but fascinating powers of psychopaths serial killers and con men to the political genius of Winston Churchill - via the grandmasters of martial arts Buddhist monks magicians advertisers salesmen CEOs and frogs that mug each other - this book explores what science can teach us about the techniques of persuasion.

  • 0434016918
  • 9780434016914
  • Kevin Dutton
  • 6 May 2010
  • William Heinemann Ltd
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 400
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