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Forecasting Financial Markets: Technical Analysis and the Dynamics of Price (Finance Editions Ser) Book
Takes the mystery out of financial markets by providing a straightforward analytical framework for trading. Offers a unifying rationale for technical analysis of markets, making it more of a ``science'' than ever before. Begins with a discussion of how emotional elements permeate economic and financial behaviors and how forecasters can remain independent from such behavior. The more reliable theories of natural systems and price pulse--continuously recurring price patterns--are introduced and examined in detail. The author shows analysts how to use these techniques to forecast price movement profile, extent, and timing of reversals, putting investors on the road to trading with minimum risk and maximum success.Read More
from£57.91 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £65.55
- 0471534080
- 9780471534082
- Tony Plummer
- 1 March 1991
- John Wiley & Sons
- Hardcover (Book)
- 259
- Revised
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