Forever Young: Essays on Young Adult Fictions (Intersections in Communications and Culture: Global Approaches and Transdisciplinary Perspectives) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Forever Young: Essays on Young Adult Fictions (Intersections in Communications and Culture: Global Approaches and Transdisciplinary Perspectives) Book

This book explores young adult fictionsstories about being young, staying young and sometimes never wanting to grow up. Looking at controversial novels by Francesca Lia Block, at sex and race in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and at the online world of fans and censors, Chris Richards argues that attempts to classify and regulate what counts as young adult have failed, and shows how youthas intense, exciting and tormenteddraws audiences unconstrained by age. Throughout the book, the narratives of life as lived by the young emerge as the stuff of the selfmade and remade in reading, watching and listening. Fascinating and accessible, Forever Young will be of particular interest to students and teachers concerned with contemporary popular culture in cultural, media, literature and education studies courses.Read More

from£22.39 | RRP: £22.34
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £20.29
  • 0820497185
  • 9780820497181
  • Chris Richards
  • 1 September 2008
  • Peter Lang Pub Inc
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 184
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