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French Revolution: A Study in Democracy (1919) Book
1919. Astrologers tell us that the history of the world moves in cycles; that from time to time the same forces arise producing eras that strangely resemble one another. While the roar of battle dies down, another sound is heard - the angry murmur that arose in 1789 and that, thought momentarily hushed, has never lost its force. Once more we are in the cycle of revolution. Contents: Prologue; Siege of the Bastille; March on Versailles; Invasion of the Tuileries; Massacres of September; Reign of Terror; Epilogue. Illustrated.Read More
from£34.29 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £N/A
- 0766179966
- 9780766179967
- Nesta H. Webster
- 27 August 2003
- Kessinger Publishing Co
- Paperback (Book)
- 540
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