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From College to Career: A Guide for Criminal Justice Majors Book
From College to Career enables readers to explore career choices and make informed career decisions. The book guides readers through critical thinking and reflection on career choices, and the activities in each chapter provide opportunities to personalize the learning experience. Much of the content information focuses on what readers need to know to help them make decisions about their major and career, including a comparison of the three main career tracks-policing, courts, and corrections-and the role of politics in criminal justice professions, ethical choices, and the need for networking. Read More
from£43.18 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £10.87
- 0205338380
- 9780205338382
- Barbara Peat
- 18 September 2003
- Prentice Hall
- Paperback (Book)
- 144
- 1
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