Fundamentals of Sport Marketing (Sport Management Library) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Fundamentals of Sport Marketing (Sport Management Library) Book

Fundamentals of Sport Marketing has become the standard by which other textbooks in the field are measured, and the third edition of this text once again raises that standard. The numerous updates and new material added throughout the book are based on the most up-to-date research and developments that have taken place in sport marketing, sport management, and the sport industry. As a result, Fundamentals of Sport Marketing, Third Edition, is the most current, contemporary, and indispensable book on sport marketing that is available. To supplement the rich information in the textbook, case studies written about current topics relevant to each chapter have been added to this edition of Fundamentals of Sport Marketing. In addition, the appendices contain directories of sport businesses, associations, trade publications, and academic journals; abstracts from recent research in sport marketing; and several examples of sport marketing research instruments. The authors, Dr. Brenda G. Pitts and Dr. David K. Stotlar, have unparalleled experience consulting and working in the industry and are both well known and respected across the globe. They have authored three workbooks, all published by Fitness Information Technology, that serve as excellent companions to this text: Case Studies in Sport Marketing, Developing Successful Sport Marketing Plans, Second Edition, and Developing Successful Sport Sponsorship Plans, Second Edition.Read More

from£38.24 | RRP: £38.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £6.90
  • 1885693338
  • 9781885693334
  • Brenda G. Pitts, David K. Stotlar
  • 31 December 2002
  • Fitness Information Technology, Inc, U.S.
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 440
  • 2nd
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