Garden Transformations: Designer Secrets and Tricks of the Trade Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Garden Transformations: Designer Secrets and Tricks of the Trade Book

Readers will learn how to bring a breath of fresh air to their gardens with this intriguing mix of design hints, trade secrets and quick fixes from the incredible Bunny Guinness. Based on the belief that even the most unlikely backyard can be made beautiful, Bunny presents a tantalizing, quirky and theatrical mix of ideas and inspirations that can turn anyone's backyard from no place to a showplace. Great suggestions using gates, fences, borders and edging, water, lighting and color are presented in fine detail, yet are easy enough to complete in a day or a weekend.Read More

from£20.23 | RRP: £14.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.13
  • 0715313576
  • 9780715313572
  • Bunny Guinness
  • 29 September 2002
  • David & Charles
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 168
  • New edition
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