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Gastrointestinal Problems: Your Questions Answered Book
This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. In the popular Q and A format of the Your Questions Answered series, this book provides succinct, expert information on the range of GI problems encountered in primary care, arranged by the symptoms GPs deal with rather than by condition. With an emphasis on evidence-based, up-to-date knowledge, the authors discus all aspects of this serious condition, including the use of OTC and prescription drugs, the best management guidelines for particular conditions, and identifying when to refer onto secondary care. Some frequently asked patient questions, in non-medical language, are included, and there is a list of sources of further information and patient support.Read More
from£33.73 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £4.14
- 0443074798
- 9780443074790
- John Hebden BSc MD FRCP, Mark Donnelly FRCP, Mark Rickets BSc DGM DRCOG MRCGP
- 10 May 2006
- Churchill Livingstone
- Paperback (Book)
- 248
- 1
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