George Herbert Mead: A Unifying Theory for Sociology Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

George Herbert Mead: A Unifying Theory for Sociology Book

The 19th century philosopher and social theorist George Herbert Mead developed a philosophy of science and a well-integrated social theory which have important applications for modern social science.In this concise and clearly-written summary of Mead's work, Baldwin emphasizes the breadth, scope and continued relevance of his ideas. He gives an overview of Mead's theoretical system, the philosophical foundations of his unified theory and the applications of his work in many different areas of social inquiry. Baldwin follows Mead's own arguments closely and substantiates each point with relevant quotations and references.With numerous footnotes, Baldwin's George Herbert Mead is designed to be both a reference work for researchers and an undergraduate text.Read More

from£92.06 | RRP: £18.26
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £33.80
  • 078729148X
  • 9780787291488
  • John D. Baldwin
  • 1 January 2002
  • Kendall Hunt Pub Co
  • Paperback (Book)
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