Ghosts (Amazing and Extraordinary Facts) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Ghosts (Amazing and Extraordinary Facts) Book

Amazing & Extraordinary Facts: Ghosts unearths a wealth of fascinating tales about ghosts past and present. Discover trivia about historical ghostly happenings such as the Mary Celeste, as well as hauntings on film sets and the stage. The Amazing and Extraordinary facts series presents interesting, surprising and little-known facts and stories about a wide range of topics which are guaranteed to inform, absorb and entertain in equal measure. Brief, accessible and entertaining pieces on a wide variety of subjects make them the perfect books to dip in to. About the Author Malcolm Day is a writer and editor, specialising in books about religions, mythology and English social history. He is the author of Voices from the World of Jane Austen, published by David & Charles, and was an editor on the Reader's Digest team that produced the Illustrated Encyclopedia of Britain. He has three children and lives near Dartmoor in Devon.Read More

from£13.48 | RRP: £9.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £5.54
  • ASDA

    Unearths tales about ghosts past and present. This title helps you discover trivia about historical ghostly happenings such as the Mary Celeste as well as hauntings on film sets and the stage. It presents facts and stories about a range of topics.

  • 0715339095
  • 9780715339091
  • Malcolm Day
  • 28 October 2011
  • David & Charles
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 144
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