God Matters Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

God Matters Book

Perhaps human beings are animals, driven by the will to survive and reproduce, perhaps responsibility is a useful fiction and religion is the opium of the masses. Perhaps death is the end, life is ultimately meaningless, brutish and short. Perhaps man is the measure of all things and beauty, truth and justice are open to interpretation. Or, perhaps not. God matters. The choice over whether and what to believe is inescapable because it determines how we live our lives. Nothing matters more. Here is a book that encourages and enables students and general readers to ask fundamental questions about the nature and meaning of human life in an open, engaging but academically rigorous way. Centuries of scholarship in the Philosophy of Religion, from Jewish and Muslim as well as Christian traditions, are put in context and critically evaluated. Examples from art, film, and literature show the contemporary relevance of debates which have raged throughout human history. www.what-matters.org provides recommendations for further reading, a rich anthology of primary texts, questions for discussion and related activities.Read More

from£10.99 | RRP: £
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £2.75
  • 0334043921
  • 9780334043928
  • , Vardy, Charlotte
  • 31 October 2013
  • SCM Press
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 304
  • Book
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