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Golosa: A Basic Course in Russian Book
For courses in First-year Russian - Introductory Russian. Golosa is a two-volume, introductory Russian-language program that strikes a balance between communication and structure. It is designed to help students reach the Intermediate range in speaking and listening plus reading and writing. Each volume of Golosa includes a textbook, a student workbook with audio drills and written exercises, and an audio program that includes listening comprehension exercises, dialogs, conversations, and rapid-pace oral drills. The robust Companion Website offers additional lexical and grammatical exercises, links to authentic Russian websites, and the entire Golosa audio program. Each unit in the program revolves around a theme (university, family, etc.), and follows the same basic format: introduction of basic vocabulary for the chapter theme, listening to introductory conversations, short dialogs with activities and role-play practice, practice in listening and reading with emphasis on strategies, grammar study and practice in both oral and written form, and written workbook exercises that go from mechanical skill-building to creative skill-using.Read More
from£56.68 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £13.48
- 0132574292
- 9780132574297
- Richard M. Robin, Kathryn Henry, Joanna Robin
- 8 October 1993
- Prentice-Hall
- Hardcover (Book)
- Book 1
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