Googies, Coffee Shop to the Stars Vol. 2 Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Googies, Coffee Shop to the Stars Vol. 2 Book

Ever wonder what it was like back in the forties and fifties, mingling with famous movie stars on the Sunset Strip; to ride beside James Dean in his Porsche Speedster, zipping around the curves of Mulholland Drive; to stay at Errol Flynn's house and sleep in the bedroom with the infamous hole in the mirrored ceiling; share a secret with Marilyn Monroe; act in a movie with Alan Ladd or Lana Turner; race motorcycles with Clark Gable on Ventura Boulevard; paint Rita Hayworth's house; be invited to tea by James Mason; go to the Hollywood Bowl with Jayne Mansfield and Louella Parsons; hang out with Flynn and countless other stars at the sordid Garden of Allah? Well, I did all those things and more, much more. As a fledgling actor, part-time house painter, parking attendant, "snoop" for the read more...
from£14.00 | RRP: £13.53
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