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Great Issues in American History: From Settlement to Revolution, 1584-1776 Book
This first volume of Great Issues in American History -- three volumes of documents that cover the history of America from its settlement to the present -- gives us a generous sampling from the major political controversies in the Colonial period. Included are such documents as Richard Hakluyt's "Discourse of Western Planting" (1584), "Letter from Christopher Columbus to the King and Queen of Spain" (undated, probably 1694), "The Third Virginia Charter" (1612), Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" (1776) and "The Declaration of independence" (July 4, 1776). Each has an explanatory headnote, and there are brief general introductions that set the selections in their historical context.In order to fit both Colonial and Early National courses, documents covering 1765-1776 appear at the end of this volume and again at the beginning of Volume II.Volume II From the Revolution to the Civil War, 1765-1865 Edited by Richard HofstadterVolume III From Reconstruction to the Present Day, 1864-1981Edited by Richard Hofstadter and Beatrice K. HofstadterRead More
from£16.99 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £9.75
- 0394705408
- 9780394705408
- C.L. Ver Steeg, R. Hofstadter
- 1 May 1973
- Random House USA Inc
- Paperback (Book)
- 512
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