Great Plains Cattle Empire: Thatcher Brothers and Associates, 1875-1945 Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Great Plains Cattle Empire: Thatcher Brothers and Associates, 1875-1945 Book

"A veritable Who?s Who of pioneer cattlemen."?Elmer Kelton, from the Foreword John and Mahlon Thatcher were two of the many pioneers looking to begin a new life in the great open spaces of the West. In the 1860s, the brothers began a small mercantile in the town of Pueblo, Colorado. From a small safe in the corner of their new store, the brothers founded what was to become the First National Bank of Pueblo, Colorado?and the beginnings of a financial empire that would encompass cattle companies from New Mexico to Canada. Together with such legendary figures as Frank Bloom, Henry Cresswell, O. H. Perry Baxter, William Anderson, Burton Mossman, and Mahlon T. Everhart, they created a cattle empire, financing and directing the Bloom Land and Cattle Company, the Diamond A Cattle Company, and the Hatchet Cattle Company. Their herds of cattle, horses, and sheep ranged on some eleven million acres of land. Great Plains Cattle Empire tells their stories, spanning the years from just after the Civil War to World War II.Read More

from£14.95 | RRP: £15.95
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £37.94
  • 0896725634
  • 9780896725638
  • Paul E. Patterson, Joy Poole
  • 15 July 2005
  • Texas Tech Press,U.S.
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 211
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