Green's Operative Hand Surgery: 2-Volume Set (Operative Hand Surgery (Green's)) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Green's Operative Hand Surgery: 2-Volume Set (Operative Hand Surgery (Green's)) Book

The 5th Edition of the world?s most comprehensive operative hand surgery reference pairs the tradition of print with the advances of technology in a continuously updated multimedia (E)dition. A new team of international contributors, carefully selected for their particular expertise and ability to offer broad perspectives in a given subject area, describes a complete range of open and arthroscopic techniques. They discuss their preferred surgical methods ? patient selection ? pre-operative evaluation ? decision making ? expected outcomes ? and special instrumentation. A companion CD-ROM enables readers to link directly from bibliographical citations to corresponding MEDLINE abstracts and other sources. PART - Electronic Supplement to Green's Operative Hand Surgery CD-ROM - 9996002527, PART - Green's Operative Hand Surgery Volume 1 - 9996002403, PART - Green's Operative Hand Surgery Volume 2 - 9996002462Read More

from£N/A | RRP: £284.00
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