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Greenback: The Almighty Dollar and the Invention of America Book
With the wry and admiring eye of a modern Tocqueville, Jason Goodwin gives us a biography of the dollar and the story of its astonishing career through the wilds of American history. Looking at the dollar over the years as a form of art, a kind of advertising, and a reflection of American attitudes, Goodwin delves into folklore and the development of printing, investigates wildcats and counterfeiters, explains why a buck is a buck and how Dixie got its name. Bringing together an array of quirky detail and often hilarious anecdote, Goodwin tells the story of America through its most beloved product.Read More
from£14.17 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £9.64
- 0312422121
- 9780312422127
- Jason Goodwin
- 1 January 2004
- Picador USA
- Paperback (Book)
- 368
- Reprint
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