Growing Spiritually with the Myers-Briggs® Model Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Growing Spiritually with the Myers-Briggs® Model Book

Sets out the essentials of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Model, and presents profiles of the sixteen personality types to enable us to discover our own. This book explains how the elements of our individual personalities interact, and helps us identify our own potential blind spots, imbalances and areas for growth.Read More

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  • TheBookPeople

    Though Christians share a common faith, we also represent a glorious and diverse range of personalities. The way we grow spiritually will reflect these differences. Knowing ourselves better can save us frustration as we seek ways forward in company with those who may be rather different from ourselves. Many people have found the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator[registered] Model - the most widely used psychological instrument of its kind worldwide - a valuable aid to spiritual growth. This book sets out the essentials of the model, and presents profiles of the sixteen personality types to enable us to discover our own. An experienced practitioner of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator[registered] Model, Julia McGuinness explains how the elements of our individual personalities interact, and helps us identify our own potential blind spots, imbalances and areas for growth. She then provides practical suggestions for devotional and everyday activities, so we may develop whatever aspect of our personality needs nurturing, in order to become fully the unique individuals God has created us to be.

  • BookDepository

    Growing Spiritually with the Myers-Briggs Model : Paperback : SPCK Publishing : 9780281059829 : 0281059829 : 22 Jan 2009 : Sets out the essentials of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Model, and presents profiles of the sixteen personality types to enable us to discover our own. This book explains how the elements of our individual personalities interact, and helps us identify our own potential blind spots, imbalances and areas for growth.

  • 0281059829
  • 9780281059829
  • Julia McGuinness
  • 22 January 2009
  • SPCK Publishing
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 160
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