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Handbook of Frogs and Toads Book
Text extracted from opening pages of book: HANDBOOK OF Frogs and Toads OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA BY ALBERT HAZEN WRIGHT PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGY, EMERITUS, CORNELL UNIVERSITY AND ANNA ALLEN WRIGHT THIRD EDITION Comstock Publishing Company, Inc. ITHACA, . NEW YORK, 1949 Preface NINETY YEARS ago John Le Conte in the prefatory paragraphs to his Descriptive Catalogue of the Ranina of the United States ( Gen., 1856, p. 423) wrote: Before I begin, it is necessary to observe that all the Ranina which I have ever seen have more or less the power of changing color at will. The character of color, therefore, of so much moment in the description of many other animals, is here of very little value; for none of the marks dependent on it are constant. In consequence, it requires numerous specimens, living subjects and long study to produce any description that approaches perfection. How far I have succeeded in my attempt remains to be seen. I have been long and sedulously engaged in my researches. Every description has been made from living specimens. In conclusion ( p. 431) he observed: These are all the species of this family of reptiles which I have been able to see in a living state. I hold it to be impossible for any one to make a correct de scription of an animal which has the power of changing its color at will, unless he has it alive; and this power they all possess in a greater or less degree; when preserved in alcohol they fade. The difficulty of procuring descriptions made on the spot where the objects are found, has rendered this part of natural history as confused and unsatisfactory as the researches of botanists who draw up their accounts of plants from dried specimens. In all our portrayals we have sought to emphasize the living animal by photographs from life, by color descriptions from life, by journal notes from the field, and particularly by excerpts from others' work pertaining to live frogs. In many regions we have been transitory visitors and the resident naturalists can tell a more complete story. Our notes and the notes of others, which in the two earlier editions were merged under the heading Notes, are here expanded and designated Journal notes and Authorities' corner. We have the warmest feelings for the countless friends and strangers who have helped us at different times and in different places. We have seen most of the preserved materials of the important collections and we thank their cus todians. An especial effort has been made to secure live material and many viii PREFACE people have contributed. The first group constitutes individuals at most of the large zoos of the country. These people offered to loan or in some instances gave us much needed material. In a similar spirit specialists or workers one hundred or more in many places and institutions served us in countless fashions. The supply houses and biological bureaus were very eager and will ing to help. The list qf old students who have mailed or shipped us live frogs would be hard to compile. Many have contributed to these almost weekly surprises through many years. The limits of this book forbid such a list. When we recall that, in California colleges alone, we have some twelve to fifteen teachers of biology, old students, we realize the size of our obliga tions. Throughout this book will appear the collectors, helpers, comrades our creditors. For the typing of this work we extend our thanks to Mrs. Katharine Kapp, Dr. Ann L. Dunham, Mrs. Frankie Culpepper Goerges, and Mrs. R. F. Darsie. Two associates who have helped us particularly are Professors W. J. Hamilton, Jr., and Edward C. Raney. We are also indebted to Cornell University for the Faculty Research Grant to help in typing, purchase of specimens, visits to museums, and trips for specimens. ALBERT HAZEN WRIGHT ANNA ALLEN WRIGHT Ithaca, New December, Contents PREFACE . ... . vii GENERAL ACCOUNT . . . . . . i Common names . i Present classifications . .... . 2 Scientific name . .2 Specific evalRead More
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- 1406766356
- 9781406766356
- Wright Albert Hazen
- 1 March 2007
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