Handbook of Marketing Scales: Multi-Item Measures for Marketing and Consumer Behavior Research (Association for Consumer Research) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Handbook of Marketing Scales: Multi-Item Measures for Marketing and Consumer Behavior Research (Association for Consumer Research) Book

Incredibly, while a vast number of scale instruments have been published in various journals and conference proceedings, a comprehensive handbook of multi-item scales, with directions on how to use them, has never been published - until now. After an introduction which provides an overview of the development of multi-item scales, the remaining chapters include the foremost scales on such prominent topics as: individual behaviour; values; information procession; reactions to advertising stimuli; attitudes and ethics; and sales and sales management practices.Throughout, the authors present 124 scales in all. To be included in the Handbook a measure had to meet these criteria: it had a reasonable theoretical or conceptual base; it was composed of at least three items or questions; it was developed or at least applied to the accepted marketing or consumer behaviour literature; at least some scaling procedures were employed in scale development; and estimates of reliability and//or validity existed. Each of the 124 scales is presented in a consistent format, including the construct, description, development, samples, validity, scores, source, other evidence, other sources, references and scale items. Then, of course, the actual measurement item is included.Clear, concise and easy to use, the Handbook of Marketing Scales is a must-have for all students, academics, researchers and professionals in marketing.Read More

from£58.05 | RRP: £43.00
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £6.60
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