Hannibal: Fields of Blood (Hannibal 2) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Hannibal: Fields of Blood (Hannibal 2) Book

The killing fields of Cannae provide the setting for one of the bloodiest battles in history. But who will triumph? Hannibal and his warrior army, or the mighty legions of Rome. By the Sunday Times bestselling author of The Forgotten Legion trilogy. Hannibal's campaign to defeat Rome continues as he marches south to confront his enemy. With him is a young soldier, Hanno. Like his general, Hanno burns to vanquish Rome. Never has the possibility seemed so likely. But a stealthy game of cat and mouse is being played as Rome's generals seek to avoid confrontation. Eventually the two armies meet under a fierce summer sun. The place is Cannae - the fields of blood. The battle will go down in history as one of the bloodiest ever fought, a battle in which Hanno knows he must fight as never before - just to stay alive.Read More

from£6.89 | RRP: £6.99
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  • BookDepository

    Hannibal: Fields of Blood : Paperback : Cornerstone : 9781848092389 : : 13 Aug 2014 : The killing fields of Cannae provide the setting for one of the bloodiest battles in history. The battle will go down in history as one of the bloodiest ever fought, a battle in which Hanno knows he must fight as never before - just to stay alive.

  • 1848092385
  • 9781848092389
  • Ben Kane
  • 16 January 2014
  • Arrow
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 528
  • 0
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