Happiness: How to Achieve it (Illuminations) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Happiness: How to Achieve it (Illuminations) Book

Happiness by Marcus Aurelius encapsulates the thinking of a time-honoured expert. Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome from AD 161 until his death in AD 180, was patient, forgiving and peaceful by nature, but was forced to spend much of his reign at war. As a relief from his responsibilities, he wrote the Meditations to show how the moral life leads to tranquillity. With an introduction outlining his life and achievements, this entertaining selection of extracts presents his wisdom in an easily digestible form. Happiness will inform, delight and stimulate. In the quest for understanding and mastery of happiness, Marcus Aurelius is acknowledged as the supreme guide. 'As often as you see any man or woman do anything, say unto yourself: what is this person's underlying purpose in this action? But begin this course with yourself first of all and diligently examine yourself concerning whatsoever you do.'Read More

from£4.03 | RRP: £2.99
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