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Health Economics (Addison-Wesley Series in Economics) Book
Health Economics, 4/e combines current economic theory, recent research, and health policy problems into a comprehensive overview of the field. This thorough update of a classic and widely used text follows author Charles E. Phelps’s three years of service as Provost of the University of Rochester. Why Health Economics?; Utility and Health; The Transformation of Medical Care to Health; The Demand for Medical Care: Conceptual Framework; Empirical Studies of Medical Care Demand and Applications; The Physician and the Physician Firm; Physicians in the Marketplace; The Hospital as a Supplier of Medical Care; Hospitals in the Marketplace; The Demand for Health Insurance; Health Insurance Supply and Managed Care; Government Provision of Health Insurance; Medical Malpractice; Externalities in Health and Medical Care; Managing the Market: Regulation and Technical Change in Health Care; Universal Insurance Issues and International Comparisons of Health Care Systems. For all readers interested in health economics. Read More
from£N/A | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £N/A
- 0321594576
- 9780321594570
- Charles E. Phelps
- 10 February 2009
- Prentice Hall
- Hardcover (Book)
- 656
- 4
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