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Health and Physical Assessment Book
Health and Physical Assessment presents holistic health assessment in a unique narrative format that is practical and consistent. Health assessment is presented as the systematic collection of data that nurses can use to make decisions about how they will intervene to promote, maintain, or restore health. Core assessment content is organized by body system (Chapters 11-22); these chapters include three main sections on Anatomy and Physiology, Examination, and Variations from Health. Special boxes highlight important information such as Risk Factors, Cultural Considerations, and Helpful Hints. At the end of each chapter are Sample Documentation and Diagnoses and Critical Thinking Questions that apply the chapter content to clinical scenarios. Read More
from£N/A | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £N/A
- 0323012140
- 9780323012140
- Violet Barkauskas PhD RN CNM FAAN, Linda Ciofu Baumann PhD APRN BC FAAN, Cynthia Darling-Fisher PhD RN FNP
- 1 November 2001
- Mosby
- Hardcover (Book)
- 760
- 3
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