Henri Matisse: Drawing with Scissors: Drawing with Scissors (Smart about the Arts) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Henri Matisse: Drawing with Scissors: Drawing with Scissors (Smart about the Arts) Book

Henri Matisse : Paperback : Penguin Putnam Inc : 9780448425191 : 044842519X : 18 Mar 2002 : Keesia and Henri Matisse have the same birthday--New Year's Eve! That's why she picks him for her art report and learns all about his paintings, books and cut-outs. Full-color illustrations.Read More

from£6.55 | RRP: £4.15
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £6.84
  • Product Description

    Beautifully illustrated childrens book about Picasso's work with collage. Great introduction into either the medium of colage or the history of artist Picasso.

  • 044842519X
  • 9780448425191
  • Jane O'Connor
  • 1 March 2002
  • Grosset & Dunlap
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 32
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