Hit the Spot: How to Target, Tone and Slim Your Problem Areas Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Hit the Spot: How to Target, Tone and Slim Your Problem Areas Book

Do you want to look good in a bathing suit this year? Do you want to have a firm, flat stomach? Do you have "problem areas" that need to be toned and shaped up? Do you want to get rid of cellulite? Hit the Spot! is a complete program to target and tone your problem areas, written in an upbeat, easy-to-follow style by America's #1 fitness authority, Denise Austin. Denise Austin has spent her career helping people get energetic and fit, and now she zeroes in on the problem areas that cause the most concern for people. Hit the Spot! includes clear instructions and photos for exercises to firm and shape your: Waist/ Hips and Thighs/ Upper Arms and Bust/ Buns Denise offers positive thoughts and tips for success, including exercises you can do to lose inches from hips, thighs, waist, and read more...
from£10.99 | RRP: £6.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £9.29
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Amazon UK £10.99 £0.00 £10.99 In stock Eligible for PRIME. (as of 17 Mar 25, 08:26 GMT) Visit Shop
Blackwell £11.51 £0.00 £11.51 (as of 17 Mar 25, 08:26 GMT) Visit Shop
Hive £11.95 £0.00 £11.95 Out of stock (as of 17 Mar 25, 08:26 GMT) Visit Shop
AbeBooks £12.02 £0.00 £12.02 (as of 17 Mar 25, 08:26 GMT) Visit Shop
Alibris £9.97 £2.79 £12.76 (as of 17 Mar 25, 08:26 GMT) Visit Shop