Hitchcock and Selznick: The Rich and Strange Collaboration of Alfred Hitchcock and David O.Selznick in Hollywood Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Hitchcock and Selznick: The Rich and Strange Collaboration of Alfred Hitchcock and David O.Selznick in Hollywood Book

The careers of Alfred Hitchcock and producer David O. Selznick are intensely entwined, but the story of their work together is one of the cinema's best-kept secrets. Hitchcock is probably best known for the work he did in the 1950s and '60s, hosting his legendary television show and directing the films Rear Window, Vertigo, Psycho, and The Birds. Selznick's many films have been eclipsed by his most popular achievement, Gone with the Wind. But it was Selznick who coaxed Hitchcock into emigrating from England to America, and it was Hitchcock who directed three opulent masterpieces for the producer's studio: Rebecca, Spellbound, and Notorious. Leonard J. Leff's richly detailed and entertaining book documents this collaboration, describing how two men of opposite temperaments were able to read more...
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